Hell, yeah!


Spinny out.

The Truth is In There.

12512712_10100958058769479_4725489039813674764_nThe X Files is back! *waves arms manically like Kermit*

A friend of mine posted this photo of two tip jars in Hollywood. One is labelled Mulder (David Duchovny) and the other, Scully (Gillian Anderson). The customer has to decide which character to tip.

It’s a cute idea, that’s for sure.

But what struck me most (and excuse me if I sound like I’ve been binge-watching feministfrequency – because I have) was the immediate gender dividing trope of love hearts floating gaily around Scully’s head.

Because she’s just the love interest right?


I get it. She’s gorgeous but Scully is so much more than ‘the girl’ in this TV show.

The mystery is why we keep assigning these ‘supporting roles’ to women. Time to dig a little deeper people.

I know where my dollar’s going.

Spinny out.


I cannot tell you how much I dislike this image.

She’s sitting in a gold wheelchair, vacant eyes staring into nothing. Masking nothing. Saying nothing. Is it a metaphor for her crippled development or a simple cry for help?

Without a doubt I love art that is challenging but this image is patronizing, not just to people who are less able bodied but to women everywhere.

If I felt for one tiny second that this girl, who is just 18, was a creative, imaginative and passionate art lover, who was looking to push boundaries or make a statement, I think I could stomach it more. But it’s cynical and it’s attention grabbing.

This blow up doll culture needs to be put back in its box.

Get out of your gilded chair Kylie. Go to college, learn about the world, read books and fill your mind with information that nourishes. Spread your wings. Open your eyes.

Do better.


How to behave at 46.

Here’s Lauren Bacall at 46.


And here’s Jennifer Lopez.


Have a great week everybody!

Spinny out.

Cher & The Jackson Five. Just because Part II.

Tina & Cher. Just because.

The Immaculate Spinsteration.

If you’re this good and this passionate about your craft, I don’t care how old you are or what gender you are, you should never stop. She’s an inspiration. End of. No argument.


Madonna LOOKING AWESOME on the opening night of her Rebel Heart tour in Montreal.

Spinny out.

Photo credit: Getty Images for Live Nation

The eggs are connected to the Hammbone.

Jennifer Westfeldt and her boyfriend, the actor Jon Hamm, have separated after 18 years.

The Hammbone.

The Hammbone.

She’s now 45 so her baby-making years are over.

I bring that up because I read an interview where she said she wanted children but Jon didn’t.

She stayed with him anyway and now…Ooops.

Sure, she might be happy enough. An 18 year relationship is a success story, right?

But not if you’ve compromised on a major story arc.


Then it’s 18 years you can’t get back.

Also, she’s 45 so she’s now a bona fide spinster. Welcome to the club Jen. This bit is for you…

Read my open letter to Spin-sister Charlize (she’s been in and out since I wrote this but it still stands).

I just hope that the 18 years were worth it. That despite his enormous dick he wasn’t an enormous dick to you.

And that you can look back fondly on those almost two decades with some kind of contentment and peace.

If not, good luck making better choices. It’s my new mantra to all women, everywhere.


This is true not just of men but of bagels, holiday destinations and hairdressers.

Ironically, all of the above will help you through this rough patch.

You’re welcome.

Spinny out.

Jessica Rabbit is now Middle Aged

modern-world-caricature-illustrations-steve-cutts-17This delightfully bleak illustration of modern life, marriage and middle age is from London-based illustrator and animator Steve Cutts. Take a look at many more wonderful images on his website.

Happy Monday everybody!

Spinny out.

Marry, Hate & Ashley

marriedsingle32 million email addresses were revealed during the Ashley Madison information dump.

That’s a lot of cheaters.

As a single woman, I’m not here to gloat. (Although wouldn’t that be the easiest thing in the world right now?).

No, what this sorry episode says to me is this: “What are our relationship expectations these days?”

I know that my issues are with trust. Because of my past experiences, I don’t know how I will ever believe anything a man says to me. Least of all, “I love you”.

Clearly, even the ones you think you can trust, you can’t.

Your marriage/relationship may be the happiest, bestest, most wonderfulest thing since bread was not just sliced but transformed into a grilled cheese sandwich, and yet still, your partner might be cheating on you.

Should we hate them for that? Hate ourselves?

Or maybe it’s time to throw in the towel and say, “Relationships are not monogomous. They never have been and they never will be.”

The traditional model of marriage and exclusivity is not the one that most people seem to adhere to these days. We need to unlearn that these are the traits that make a relationship work.

Should the new fairytale go something like this: “Yeah, sure kid, you’ll meet the man of your dreams. Or at least you think he is but he will fall far short of your expectations, most likely cheat on you and lie to your face but still, he might be a good man. If he sticks around to pay the bills, share some responsibility and bring up the kids, then you’ve got a good one. You will live happyish ever after and you know what, you’ll be luckier than most.”

I’ve said it before, we deserve the best but we expect too much. Or at least, I know I did.

And the times when I consistently compromised were the times I was left lonely, confused and frustrated.

But maybe that’s because the narrative that is beaten into us about romance, love and marriage has become redundant. Feminism started it and the internet has finished it off entirely. Leave the romance to novels.

So yes, marry your partner and buy into the dream but don’t hate him or her when they start drinking Ashley’s Kool Aid.

Their fairytale has another ending – and so does yours. That doesn’t make it worse, that just makes it different.

And 32 million other people have already figured that out.

Spinny out.